Holisticali Me - Biohacking after Abuse & Trauma

  • It took me 9 years to heal my gut - Here's Why

    Embark on a transformative journey towards reclaiming your joy for food! Join me in this empowering video where I unveil my personal triumph over gut health challenges. Say goodbye to fear and discomfort as you witness the path to healing unfold before your eyes. Don't lose hope – let's embark on this journey together towards a brighter, more fulfilling relationship with food.
  • If my mother doesn't love me, THEN WHO WILL?

    Sandra Mikulic is the brain child behind the 'Run Your Life' Magazine which is a tribute to women all over the world taking their power back and tr...
  • Healing Hypervigilence

    Hypervigilance is about more than just being extra vigilant. It is a state of extreme alertness that undermines quality of life. If you are hypervi...
  • Acupuncture Heals Trauma

    Does Acupuncture Work? Healing Trauma with TCM
  • Trauma in the Genitals?

    We are such a pleasure-shaming culture. We champion the idea of work-hard-play-hard, so when you start to feel good, you ask yourself, ‘Am I worthy...
  • Can Changing your Diet Really Help You Heal From Trauma?

    Trauma damages and disrupts the gut microbiome. These trillions of bacteria in the intestines that we refer to as the microbiome are essential and integral part of our immune system. Trauma sufferers & survivors have notably different microbiomes than people who haven’t experienced trauma. The microbiome will actually stay in that “trauma state” even when circumstances change. It does not bounce back to its pre-trauma state without help.


  • The 4Fs: Fight, Flight, Freeze, Fawn Trauma Response Styles

        If my content has helped you in any way, please consider contributing to my PayPal account: paypal.me/Holisticalime
  • What Is Trauma?

        If my content has helped you in any way, please consider contributing to my PayPal account: paypal.me/Holisticalime